easy is right and right is easy .....

in order to unleash your potential we use meditation in all its forms

How We Care For You!

Meditation is the main tool

Our most effective active and passive techniques are especially developed  for the busy man of the 21st century by the “Enlightened Master Osho”

NLP & Hypnosis

These methods support us in all our efforts to go beyond the mind and stay in touch with our inner most center & potential


Various therapy techniques s well as self enquiry to encounter yourself are some of the methods to recognize again your forgotten inner tiger

However serious life and the game might have hit us, there is always a space where we can just be and enjoy ourself by singing and dancing 


Laughter is the foundation of everything

The laughter meditation is its own meditation technique, but beyond any structure we want to weave it into every moment of our play  

Only after we have thrown off lots of garbage in our mind, we can slowly start to enjoy the fruits of silence

Sitting in deep silence is the utmost reward for all the efforts we have put into our meditations


However old we are, singing and dancing puts us back in that innocence which most of us have lost in early childhood

However serious life and the game might have hit us, there is always a space where we can just be and enjoy ourself by singing and dancing 



Breathwork and hara breathing can be important for athletes and golfers in a few ways:

1.Improved endurance: Proper breathing techniques can help to increase oxygen flow to the body, which can improve endurance and stamina.

2.Reduced stress and tension: Breathwork and hara breathing can be used as a relaxation technique, which can help to reduce stress and tension. This can be particularly important for athletes and golfers who may experience high levels of stress and tension during competitions.

3.Increased focus and concentration: Breathwork and hara breathing can help athletes and golfers to improve their focus and concentration, which can be beneficial when playing sports.

4.Better breathing technique: Breathwork and hara breathing can help athletes and golfers to improve their breathing technique which can be beneficial for the golfers in their swing.

Qi Gong

Qi Gong, a traditional Chinese practice that combines movement, breathing, and meditation, can potentially bring several benefits to golfers. These may include:
1.Improved flexibility and balance: Qi Gong exercises can help to increase flexibility and balance, which can be beneficial for golfers in their swing and overall movement on the course.
2.Increased focus and concentration: The meditative aspect of Qi Gong can help golfers to improve their focus and concentration, which can be beneficial when playing golf.
3.Reduced stress and tension: Qi Gong can be used as a relaxation technique, which can help to reduce stress and tension, which can be beneficial for golfers in their game and life.
4.Better breathing technique: Qi Gong exercises can help golfers to improve their breathing technique which can be beneficial for the golfers in their swing.


Feldenkrais & Awareness

However serious life and the game might have hit us, there is always a space where we can just be and enjoy ourself by singing and dancing 


hara golf


or playing from the Hara is the technique we remind us over and over again and is the final manifestation of our efforts and every good golfers showing. We learn how to stay in our center and keep watching the play unfolding around us.

mind goal perfection

All achievements are happening in the mind. And the problem with the mind is, that it only exists in time, but mainly in the future. The process of meditation is all about bringing us into the here and now, a space where the mind evaporates. it is a useless effort, to try for both, as there is only one or the other. the mind has no present moment.

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