
Self-hypnosis for meditation is an effective tool for deepening one’s Golf & Meditation practice. My Master Osho has developed this especially to intensify and deepen the process of various meditation techniques for the modern man. By connecting the conscious and subconscious minds, it can help create greater awareness and understanding of oneself. With regular practice, self-hypnosis can open the door to deeper meditative states, allowing individuals to access inner wisdom and knowledge that lies within.
Meditation is a key to our true potential, but outdated beliefs stemming from our subconscious programming can limit its effectiveness. To maximise the benefits of meditation, it is important to communicate with your subconscious mind and work through any limiting beliefs that may be holding you back. By doing this with the help of a reliable/trusted facilitator or instructor, we can free ourselves to experience the full potential of meditation and simultaneously smoothen out our game of golf.

bridge between conscious and unconscious mind

Meditation is also a tool for managing stress, emotions and improving overall well-being. This process will help you to achieve the necessary level of relaxation to be able to meditate independently. In the beginning we will guide you through a simple but effective technique that will allow your body and mind to relax deeply, enabling to integrate the learning into your day to day life as well as Golf & Meditation. It is a bridge between the gap between conscious and unconscious thoughts. It promotes a state of relaxation, allowing one to observe the thoughts and feelings that come up without judgment or attachment. With regular practice, it is possible to enter into a deeper level of awareness while still remaining conscious of what is happening.

Attending our group will give you the opportunity to apply the Learned techniques to different areas of life, never Golf alone. This opportunity is the  chance to give yourself a valuable gift. Self-Hypnosis is an effective tool to enhance your Golf as meditation practice.

Golf as Meditation is a great way to relax, stay active, and challenge yourself. Participating in the mentoring program will give you the opportunity to apply the skills you learn in a number of areas in life, not just golfing alone. With what you experience, you can start to explore different aspects of the games of Golf and Life and become a better player of both and simply as a person as well. The coming time soon marks the beginning of this chance to give yourself a valuable edge on the course – don’t miss out!


what’s  included?

Save yourself a minimum of 2 H  course time per week via ZOOM and if possible daily 90 minutes meditation time for either online-life ( or recorded) sessions during the full period of  the Zen Golf course and maintain the  aware spirit of being a watcher in all aspects throughout your life….

7 weeks of meditation intensive and various mindfulness techniques 
1 hour extra learning & sharing per week course (dealing with different reoccurring themes concerning the game of Golf & life)
daily 1 h meditation with 30 minutes sharing and learning afterwards 


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