Participating in a totally new golf experience and fresh beginnings in life Create Momentum
 With Ongoing Training

Anybody who has tried to take a new path in his routine life and sport knows that it can be a tough and lonely road. Self-discipline and structure are mostly failing or are ending in a serious Ego-business. You let doubts creep in or lose your momentum. But that’s NOT the case here at Masters Golf Pro-Vocateur seminar.

All you get during a 7 weeks participtation for only $ 199,-

1. Golf TOTAL for Life – 7 Meditations sessions
presents you each week within 90 minutes of online time one new Meditation and give you correlated topics and instances you can tackle better after this experiencing 

2Daily meditation at CET either 7 AM or 6.30 PM plus 20 minutes sharing

3Each week there is a recording of the introduced  Meditation (60 minutes +) and various centering techniques QiGong +

4Each week we have one evening session of 60 minutes where we learn different techniques related to become more conscious and alert to our ongoing mind sabotage and automatism.

5integrating various centering techniques and martial arts exercises to strengthen our inner focus and stability in the No MInd game 

6 NLP and Hypnosis for deepening our meditation experiences and enhancing our progress of uncovering our true potential 

7Discovering the body from the inside. We learn to experience our treasure the body more from the inside and finding ways of detecting its repetitive and automotive mechanics as well as  its looping mistakes

8Breath is the base of life. The same applies for our times on the course. Different breathing exercises will stimulate new areas within us, that have gone forgotten and been non-discovered 

9. For those inscribing before february 23!! you get extra one full free individual session of 1 to 1 golf - life analysis with a specially tailored NLP based Hypnosis in mp3 format . This session alone is worth 250,- U$

This intensive course will get you in touch with the essence of Inner Golf skills. Most of the content is based on the learning with my Master Osho, as well as my personal experience as a seeker for more than 40 years and Golfer more than 60 years.

Many Meditation-techniques and exercises will open up some inner and outer spaces in you, that will allow you to experience gaps and moments, that will transform your game, life and that of the people around you.

We are with you every single step of your journey!
You won’t go a single week without having the chance to express personally your issues and themes coming up. LIVE, including a weekly call with Pari  himself!


Going for a drastic change in your Golf & Life. Unlock The Right Potential &Mindfulness


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